Exhibit A: The institution has admission criteria and policies that meet federal guidelines for nondiscrimination ( Provide the document/s in which the criteria and policies appear.
Exhibit D: Student recruitment materials and processes accurately represent the program practices and policies and demonstrate a commitment to diversity and inclusion. Provide samples of student recruitment materials.
Exhibit I: Students are formally informed of course objectives/outcomes and methods of evaluation at the beginning of each course. Provide the materials cited, in electronic or printed form.
Exhibit J: Students are apprised of their progress on an ongoing basis. Provide examples of this process, deidentified as needed.
Exhibit K: Students are evaluated formatively and summatively. Provide examples of these processes, de-identified as needed.
Exhibit L: Students are informed of remediation policies and processes. Provide examples of remediation/improvement plans, deidentified as needed.
Exhibit M: Students have opportunities for involvement in development and implementation of midwifery program policies. Provide evidence of student participation in developing or implementing midwifery program policies.
Exhibit N: Students have opportunities to participate or have input into the representation on councils or committees of the institution or academic unit. Document students’ participation or input into representation on councils or committees.
Exhibit O: The midwifery program has clearly defined and transparent mechanisms for consideration of grievances, complaints or appeals. As applicable, provide a de-identified summary of each grievance, complaint or appeal that occurred in the midwifery program during the past three years.
Exhibit Q: The midwifery program attends to students’ well-being through the mitigation of fatigue related to clinical learning. Provide examples of these mechanisms and/or policies.
Exhibit R: The midwifery program has processes to support student health and well-being. Provide examples of any such processes or services.
Exhibit A: The institution will have admission criteria and policies, including a nondiscrimination policy, which will be publicly available.
- Explanation Exhibit A
- Non-Discrimination Policy
- Policies and Procedures for Students – Disability Services
Exhibit B: Samples of recruitment materials and descriptions of recruiting processes that accurately and publicly represent the program practices and policies.
Exhibit C: The institution will have student policies that will be publicly available and identified to students upon admission related to: student evaluation, progression, retention, dismissal and graduation; review of personal records and equitable tuition refund; evaluation of their education; access to university/college catalogs; and access to academic calendars.
Exhibit D: Upon entering the program, students have access to and will be informed of support services designed to meet their needs in order to promote their retention and progression through the program.
Exhibit E.1: Students will be formally informed of course objectives/ outcomes and methods of evaluation at the beginning of each course.
- Explanation of Exhibit E.1
- Nightingale Café MSN
- Course Site Syllabus and Calendar
- Handbooks on SON Website
Exhibit F.1: Opportunities for student involvement in development and implementation of proposed midwifery program policies.
Exhibit F.2: Opportunities to participate or have input into the representation on councils or committees of the institution or academic unit.
Exhibit F.3: Provide documents or drafts of documents regarding the grievances, complaints or appeals in electronic or printed form.
Exhibit F.4: Provide documents or drafts of documents regarding student access regardless of location and teaching modalities in electronic or printed form.