Assessment and Outcomes
Exhibit A: The midwifery program has a comprehensive plan for ongoing assessment of the program philosophy, mission/purpose, and objectives/outcomes to achieve continuous quality improvement. Provide the assessment report for the SER year.
Exhibit B: The midwifery program assessment process includes evaluations of the program by students and recent graduates. Provide results of program evaluations by midwifery students and graduates. Provide documentation of action taken as a result of the assessment, as applicable.
Exhibit C: The midwifery program assessment process includes evaluations of enrollment, graduation, and attrition goals for the past three years (or for the SER year for programs seeking initial accreditation). Provide documentation of action taken as a result of the assessment, as applicable.
Exhibit D: The midwifery program assessment process includes evaluations for the past three years (or the SER year, for programs seeking initial accreditation), of the program’s aggregated annual American Midwifery Certification Board (AMCB) certification rates within one year of graduation, as available, for all graduates. The midwifery program sets its own AMCB certification rate goal in accordance with its mission. A program that fails to meet its goal must develop an improvement plan to bring the certification rate up to the goal. Provide documentation and results of the improvement plan, as applicable.
Exhibit E: The midwifery program’s reviews and updates of its philosophy, purpose/mission, and objectives/outcomes include current ACNM philosophy and standards. Provide documentation of the process, e.g., in meeting minutes.
Exhibit F: The midwifery program’s reviews and updates of its philosophy, purpose/mission, and objectives/outcomes include national (and state as applicable) standards and educational requirements. Provide documentation of the process, e.g., in meeting minutes.
Exhibit G: The midwifery program’s reviews and updates of its philosophy, purpose/mission, and objectives/outcomes include significant changes within the program’s institution that are relevant to the program. Provide documentation of the process, e.g., in meeting minutes.
Exhibit H: The midwifery program’s assessment process includes evaluation of the effectiveness of clinical sites to meet student learning needs and monitor and promote their achievement of clinical competence. Provide evidence of evaluation of all clinical sites used during the SER year. Identify action taken if clinical experiences do not lead to students’ achievement of clinical competence.
Exhibit I: The midwifery program’s assessment process ensures the presence of current contracts for each clinical site. Provide a table listing the name of each clinical site that was used in the SER year and the expiration date of the site contract. Provide access onsite to the contract for each site listed in the table.
Exhibit A.1.a: Provide a copy or draft of the form for student and graduate evaluation of the program.
Exhibit A.2: Provide the URL where pass rate for first takers of the national AMCB certification examination are publicized.
Exhibit A.3: Provide copies of current standards to be used in the evaluation process. See exhibit A.3.a below.
Exhibit A.3.a. Process for program assessment using current ACNM documents.
Exhibit A.4: Drafts of instruments to be used for clinical evaluation.
- Assessment of Student Attainment of Midwifery Program Goals and Midwifery Core Competencies Plan
- Creighton Competency Evaluation Instrument
- OSCE Development Matrix
- Patient Perception of Student Interaction Skills
Exhibit A.4.a: Provide drafts of instruments for evaluation of clinical sites.
- Example of Student Evaluation of Clinical Site
- Clinical Hours Verification Report
- Example of Preceptor Qualification Form
- Example of Completed Preceptor Agreement
- Example of Faculty Evaluation of Student
- Example of Preceptor Evaluation of Student
- Example of Student Evaluation of Preceptor
- Screenshot of E*Value Homepage
Exhibit A.4.b: Provide the plan for evaluation of student clinical experiences.
- NRSG 7010 End of Course Report Summer 2019
- Examples of Low Scores for Clinical Sites
- Sample of Follow-up Clinical Site Problem
Exhibit A.5: The assessment process includes a plan for evaluation of faculty teaching in the program. See a-d below:
Exhibit A.5.a: Didactic teacher competence as applicable. Provide a copy of the proposed plan for evaluation including the draft form/s.
- Proposed SON Educational Effectiveness Plan for Midwifery Program
- Lecturer Evaluation Form
- Tenure Track Evaluation Form
Exhibit A.5.b: Clinical teacher competence as applicable. Provide a copy of the proposed plan for evaluation including the draft form/s.
Exhibit A.5.c: Currency of knowledge and clinical competence in area(s) of practice related to proposed midwifery program responsibilities. Provide a copy of the proposed plan for evaluation including the draft form/s.
Exhibit A.5.d: Non-discriminatory, respectful approach to students, colleagues, and patients in keeping with the basic principles of the ACNM Code of Ethics. Provide a copy of the proposed plan for evaluation including the draft form/s.
Exhibit B: The program will maintain and publicizes accurate, current data on student outcomes. Provide URL where the data are publicized.
Exhibit B.1: Graduation data, for both full-time and part-time students. Provide URL where the data are publicized.
Exhibit B.2: Program’s Aggregated Annual American Midwifery Certification Board (AMCB) pass rates for first time takes and retake pass rates. Provide URL where the data are publicized.
Exhibit B.3: Program-specific data related to program philosophy, mission/purpose and objectives/outcomes for marketing or public disclosure purposes. Provide URL where the data are publicized.